Our Mission
Way of Hope International's mission is to impact the entire world with the love of God! Way of Hope International aims to impact everyone regardless of thier age, race, caste, creed, etc. Here at Way of Hope International we believed that everyone is created in the image of God and therefore everyone deserves to know the creator! We show God's love by providing the needs of the poor, educating the illiterate, and giving them all the support they need!
Read moreOur MISSION is to:
- Transform Lives
- Reach the lost
- Help the poor
- Build a community with one another
- Equip a new generation of world-changers
- Encourage the broken and hurting
- Teach the Word of God
We can be a BETTER version of ourselves through Christ
Way of Hope International aims to "Empower Youth with A Mission". So that they can continue to make a difference in the world!
Way of Hope aims to "Empower Youth with A Mission". So that they can continue to make a difference in the world! We "Empower Youth with a Mission" by conducting seminars, awareness classes, VBS's, youth camps, outreach meetings and much more! At Way of Hope we believe that we have an eternal hope through Jesus Christ and consider it our duty and privilege to let others know that there is a Hope for them too! We may not be able to impact everyone but we can all do our part! You can do your part by arranging a program in your church or school ,join with us, or donate!
Join Us!We also give Discipleship classes and equipt people with the Word of God and help them impact people! We also plant churches to make sure people have a place to go to when they understand they need Gos in thier lives! Way of Hope International believes that there is a lot more work to be done and there are so many needs. As the Bible "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Mathew 9:37-38), there is much to do but we can't do it alone! We need your help and contribution!
Help Us!Become a
Do you want to help the poor, serve God, and impact millions of lives? Then Way of Hope International is the the right place for you! Way of Hope can help you make a difference in many ways!
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What We Do:
Way of Hope International has conducted numerous seminars across India. We take seminars on a variety of topics which you can read here on our website.We take various classes and cover so many topics! Way of Hope takes seminars for all ages ranging from teenagers to adults! Please do feel free to contact us to speak at your next Seminar.
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What We Do:
Substance-Abuse Awareness
Way of Hope International believes that PREVENTION is always better than CURE. So here at Way of Hope we educate children with Awareness Classes about Substance-Abuse weither it be drugs,,pornography, or suicide. Way of Hope works with Life Challenge International and The Foundation for a Drug-Free World to end Substance-Abuse! Please join us in the battle against Drugs and Alcohol by calling us to speak to your community!
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What We Do:
Transforming Lives!
Way Of Hope transforms people from addiction and hopelessness by counselling and telling them about the one who can transform them-Jesus! Way of Hope helps them break thier chain of addiction and help them live a normal life! We also remind them that God has a prupose for them and wants them! We need your help and support to continue to change people!
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What We Do:
Youth Meetings
Over the years Way of Hope International has both lead and conducted Youth Cams,Youth Meetings, and Youth Retreats around India. Our Team members here at Way of Hope International are talented and skilled in music, counselling, speaking, and impacting tennagers. Please do feel free to contact us to speak at your next Youth Meeting!
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What We Do:
Teacher's Classes
We at Way of Hope International believe that Teachers encourage minds to think, hands to create and hearts to love. Here at Way of Hope International, we train Teachers How to unlock thier hidden potential! We also remind teachers the impact they have and teach them how to develop a great bond with thier students! Please do feel free to contact us to speak at your school's next Teacher's Seminar.
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What We Do:
Counselling Sessions
Way of Hope International understands that everyone strugsles with problems at some point in thier life's journey, thats why we have so many qualified counsellors to help you and the people around you to find the best way for you to emerge from your struggle. Way of Hope offers one-to-one and group counselling! If you want counselling please do contact us!
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What We Do:
Out-Reach Meetings
Way of Hope believes that in order for people to accept the Gospel they have to first hear it. We at Way of Hope conduct various Out-Reach Programs in order to reach the common man. We impact them by various dramas/skits to spread awareness of common social issues in todays world and the Gospel!
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What We Do:
Literacy Classes
Every child deseves to learn the basics which include reading and writing.if we look at the literacy levels and numbers in India, 35% of (the world's) illiterate population is here in India!. The number is around 266 million people who can't read and write! Way of Hope International saw the great need of literacy schools in India and started giving free classes. We can only continue to teach these children with your help!

What We Do:
Vacation Bible Class
What is the best way to impact children in a world where evil and crime are thriving? There is only one way-with the Word of God. Way of Hope International impacts the younger generation with the Word of God by giving them Bible classes during their vacations.
What we can do?
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"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot
Cornerstone International School, Awareness Class
Literacy Class, Orissa
Church Planting Mission, Orissa