Help us Save Orissa! We can change thier world and save the children.
Only we, together can make a difference!
Today Parents are selling thier own children in Orissa! They do this because they dont have enough income to support thier entire family so they sell one child and take care of the rest! Help us stop this! We can only continue to grow with your help and support!

What we can do?
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Grieve not, then, if your sons seem to desert you, but rejoice, rather, seeing the will of God done gladly.- Jim Elliot

Church Members, Orissa

Evangelism Training
A Way of Hope International Church in Orissa
Christmas Celebration
32 million Indian children have never been to any school: How can we reform education for the underprivileged?
India is a country with more than one billion people, and just one-third of them can read. Rapidly growing size of population, shortages of teachers, books, and basic facilities, and insufficient public funds to cover education costs are some of the nation’s toughest challenges. This is where Children in India are facing the basic challenges. According to a study, more than 30% of educational funds are allocated towards higher education, leaving the primary education in India in sway.

"At least 32 million children aged 6 - 14 years do not attend school."
Way of Hope International on hearing of the need for the illterate started literacy classes giving them the basics of how to read, write, and do simple mathematics! We were surprised that so many turned up to learn! What most of us take for granted-education- is craved byu those who dont have it because of thier finacial struggles.
Way of Hope International needs your help to help educate these children. We currently have 5 Literacy Classes going on. We have 10 teachers working with us to teach these children! We would like to expand our wings and go further into the different areas of India and educate the illeterate! We can only do it with your help and support!
In places like Orissa going to schools is not practical for thier meagre income of parents. Thus the children fail to know how to read and write. They then fall into thier traditional family line of poverty! Only we together can break this chain of uneducation! Help us make a difference!
There is so much more work to be done! : How can impact our nation for Christ?

"400 million people in India have never heard the name of Jesus...."
"Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."- Matthew 9:37-38.
"500,000 villages and communities in India haven’t heard the Gospel."
commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
"One-third of the unreached people groups of the world are in one country: India. You can help us change that!!!"